From Brighton Based Visual Artist and Printmaker Moatzart
For this piece, I tried to remove the subjective element of my collage practice by making myself an object to desire. The idea was that I would not do any editing, and do exactly what I wanted to do within this large collage. I used avenues for desire as material, namely fashion magazines old and new and the female form, an object of desire in itself. I read Barthes’ Camera Lucida and his discussion of punctum as a natural and accidental focus point in photography made the question whether that was possible in a collage practice, where ordinarily I would be the one establishing the points of interest quite intentionally. I wanted the focus points to be unintentional. Of course, I landed into a type of kitsch.
I submitted this piece of work in Fabrica Art Gallery's magazine during David Shrigley's Life Model II as the conversation centers on the female form in art.